Volunteer Center
“Pacific Symphony volunteers are the first hands, hearts and welcoming smiles touching our Pacific Symphony 'family' each and every time they enter our magical musical world. Our volunteers' care and dedication serve as a constant fountain of inspiration and instill in all of us affection, love and respect for one another and the art we serve.” — Music Director Carl St.Clair

How Can I Make a Difference?
Every time you volunteer with us, you are inspiring, engaging and serving our community. You are helping to expand our services and raise awareness about the importance of symphonic music, you are meeting new like-minded friends who are passionate about outstanding symphonic music and you are expanding your awareness and appreciation of the arts.

Volunteer Application
Pacific Symphony loves our volunteers! Our volunteers are the heart of our organization and we look forward to meeting you soon! Start the process by completing an online application and reading and signing the Volunteer and Intern Handbook.

Information for Interns
Interns are welcome to work with staff in many areas and departments of the Symphony. Pacific Symphony offers two distinct types of internships: an educational internship, where the intern receives formal work experience that is part of an educational/training course and an apprentice internship, where the intern participates in this program to gain a better understanding of their prospective future profession. Start the process by completing an online application and reading and signing the Volunteer and Intern Handbook.

Active Volunteer Resources
Track Your Volunteer Hours – Earn credit towards our Volunteer Benefit Tiers with concert vouchers, discounts for Pacific Symphony Store items and more! Schedule Your Volunteer Time/Role – Once you have completed the application process, we invite you to schedule the dates/times you are available to volunteer.