Yen Ping Lai

Yen Ping Lai

Second Violin

Yen Ping Lai joined Pacific Symphony in the fall of 2005. Previously he served as principal second violin of the Riverside Philharmonic. He has performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Opera Pacific and Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. He was invited to many music festivals, including the Pacific Music Festival, Carl Flesch Akademie, American-­Russian Youth Orchestra and The Meadowmount School.

A native of Taiwan, Lai earned his bachelor's degree from The Juilliard School, master's degree from Rice University, and graduate certificate in performance from University of Southern California. He has studied with Won-­Bin Yim, Masao Kawasaki, Dorothy DeLay, Sally Thomas, Kenneth Goldsmith and Lyndon Taylor. Lai plays on an instrument "Leon Mougenot 1920," generously loaned from Pacific Symphony.
