Candlelight Baroque
2024-25 3 Performances Included
Step back in time with Pacific Symphony's new Baroque series, set in the stunning acoustics of Orange County's most beautiful churches. Whether you're a Baroque buff or a newcomer to the charms of classical music, you won't want to miss the chance to hear the best of Bach, Handel’s greatest hits, and Vivaldi’s vivacious virtuosities. Experience these timeless masterpieces as they were meant to be heard—in the divine ambiance of a church setting, where every note resonates with celestial clarity and transports you to an era of exquisite elegance. Don't miss your chance to bask in the glow of golden age greatness!
There are two programs, one in the fall and one in the spring, each of which will be performed at three different churches:
- Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo (Nov. 6 & Mar. 8)
- St. John's Lutheran Church of Orange (Nov. 3 & Mar. 9)
- St.Wilfried of York Episcopal Church in Huntington Beach (Nov. 7 & Mar. 7)