Pops Pick 4

Pops Pick 4

2024-25 5 Performances Included

Pick 4 or more Pops concerts and enjoy all the usual benefits of being a season-ticket holder, including our stress-free exchange policy.

Please note: Each performance added must contain the same number of seats. Seating is at the discretion of the box office. The prices in the drop-down menu are per concert.


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Pacific Symphony

Pacific Symphony

Enrico Lopez-Yañez

Enrico Lopez-Yañez


José Sibaja

José Sibaja


Pink Martini

Pink Martini

Stuart Chafetz

Stuart Chafetz

Guest Conductor

Ben Folds

Ben Folds

Luisito Quintero

Luisito Quintero


Troupe Vertigo

Troupe Vertigo
