Unlocking the Power of Music: KUSC and USC join forces for “Music on the Brain”

In a trailblazing panel discussion forged through a partnership between Classical California KUSC and the USC Brain and Creativity Institute on June 1, Gail Eichenthal led “Music on the Brain,” a conversation between world pioneers in musical neuroscience. Alongside USC’s Vice Provost for the Arts Josh Kun, Professors Antonio Damasio, Beatriz Ilari, and Assal Habibi delve into the fascinating capabilities of music, from assuaging grief to influencing social behavior.”In a trailblazing panel discussion forged through a partnership between Classical California KUSC and the USC Brain and Creativity Institute on June 1, Gail Eichenthal led a conversation between world pioneers in musical neuroscience. Alongside USC’s Vice Provost for the Arts Josh Kun, Professors Antonio Damasio, Beatriz Ilari, and Assal Habibi delve into the fascinating capabilities of music, from assuaging grief to influencing social behavior.

“Part of it has to do with the fact that we are ourselves like musical instruments,” says Damasio, explaining how music has a unique faculty for awakening emotions. “We are being played upon by our ideas, by our minds.” 

Whether through analyzing the ways in which music impacts childhood brain development, dissecting its healing abilities, or explaining how it builds community, these experts are at the forefront of some of the most exciting discoveries in their field.

Access the full discussion and listen to the USC Thornton School of Music’s following chamber music performance on YouTube.

Unlocking the Power of Music: KUSC and USC join forces for “Music on the Brain”

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